Looking to sell your home this summer? Staging Is A Must

A Client's Perspective

"Heather, Valerie and company did a fantastic job of selling my house.  I had an offer within 6 days of my one and only open house in  February.

I was a little out of sorts with the staging process but it worked exceptionally well.  The house looked much different than a bachelor’s interpretation of furnishings. Apparently, it looked a lot better to the general public!

I think the Heather Guild Group is a wonderful assemblage of ladies that work in unison for the purpose of selling their client’s real estate." - Duncan Mackenzie (6930 Southridge)

As an added value, we offer complimentary staging services to our clients.  Curious how much staging makes a difference, check out some of these before and after photos. 

Contact us and let us go to work selling your house for the maximum price possible.